I just laid there. Still. Mind racing, but body stagnant. The battle had begun…
Should I wake up and work out/send emails/write a new article/do anything mildly productive, or should I surrender to just one more hour of sleep.
On most days, this wouldn’t be a battle. I am better than that.
But even the mightiest success chasers need new sources of motivation every once in a while.
You see, most of us are indeed crazed to succeed, and rarely need any external pushes to get ahead. We are intrinsically motivated beasts 99.99% of the time, but one day (or week, or month…don’t judge) there will come a time where you everything will seem gloom, the important goals you’ve set for yourself become less noticeable than an extra 15 minutes of quasi-sleep, and the rollercoaster hits its lowest valleys.
That’s why you need motivation every morning.
WHY?!? Because you CAN create the life you want, but only if you work your a** off to create it.
WHY?!? Because you INSPIRE others through your work, words, and actions, so it’s your responsibility to be a good role model for those who look up to you.
WHY?!? Because certain jobs, people, and friends passed you over, and it’s on you to PROVE THEM WRONG.
WHY?!? Because your family, friends, and supporters WANT TO SEE YOU SUCCEED.
WHY?!? Because you are a LEADER, and because people DEPEND on you.
However, all that being said, I know some days are harder than others, and because there have been days (weeks, months…) that I’ve had this same problem, I want to give you some ways to get motivation EVERY morning.
Make it a habit, just like brushing your teeth and tying your shoelaces, to seek sources of motivation every single morning. Watch an inspirational Youtube video, listen to you favorite, potentially-Rocky-inspired song, or get a group of friends together for a daily, 5 minute “pep” conference call.
Meditate and think of all the things in life you are grateful for.
Listen to your favorite self-help audio book or podcast during your commute to the office (I recommend The Law of Success
and Three Feet from Gold
Go for a run, or do some pushups, or try some yoga. Something. Get active. It’s amazing how much happier and clear-headed you will start each of your days.
Remember each morning why you do what you do, and who you do it for. Which people have given you opportunities in life? Which people said you couldn’t chase your dreams? Are you supporting your parents, children, friends, family? Why did you get started in “the biz” in the first place? Remember that, and get motivated every morning.
Seeking motivation every morning has helped me have days where I can speak to Ivy Leaguers, appear in a nationally broadcasted commercial, and save babies, all in one day. Those are truly epic days, and every day can and will be just as epic for you if you make it ritual to start every morning motivated! It’s the only way I can work on projects like 2 Billion Under 20 and The Gap Year Experiment and, quite frankly, your work too should serve as a source of motivation every morning as mine does (or you need a new job!!!).
Don’t leave it up to yourself. Don’t leave it to “inspiration” or chance. Make motivating yourself a daily practice. You NEED motivation EVERY morning, and with that one habit, anything else will be possible.
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